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Jamie's Blog: 03/01/2011 - 04/01/2011
March 26, 2011 - I was so scared, I don't know what I would do if I lost him.

Tonight was the scariest night of my life. I don't mean I almost died, or watched a scary movie. Tonight Landon woke up from a nap and he was normal, except for a little congestion. He has has a nasal cold for the last couple days that made him snore and snort, but that was all we thought it was. Well, when he woke up he had a cough that wouldn't go away. He coughed pretty consistent for like 15 minutes, so I started trying to suck the stuff out with a bulb sucker. He got choked on a big ball of mucus and couldn't catch his breath, he stopped breathing for at least a minute, while I frantically but calmly sucked as much mucus as I could out of his lungs and mouth.

He finally caught his breath and color returned to his face. The paramedics got here and he was breathing ok. After I got him breathing normally I made sure his nose was clean and I didn't hear any sounds. He is sleeping sound right now, and breathing quietly. That is a lot better than the last two days. I hope it was just congestion from that little nasal cold coming out, and he just got choked up on it. He doesn't seem to be really sick, but I know that was the scariest moment of my life. I love my baby boy, and now that he is here, I will never imagine my life without him. I am proud of my baby girl for helping me the way she did, and taking such good care of our boy. I love you Lizzie.

Thank you Lord for all of your blessings today and keeping my baby boy safe.

posted by Jamie @ 4:27 AM
March 25, 2011 - Adobe Creative Master Collection

I have the complete set of Adobe design tools. I have been using them all day, trying to get some results on a good webpage. I am going for a more graphical webpage than I have ever done before. I know that I have the tools to accomplish it, now it is just reading and learning non stop. I feel like I am back in school, and I am starting to get regular intense headaches.

It's not like I can just stop, I have to keep reading and keep programming to get as good and learn as much as I can as fast as I can. I am already years behind where I should be, and I am determined to get back on the ball. I am going to learn some javascript so that I can write a commenting system of my own. I have now idea how to implement it graphically, but I know how to write the code. That is why I am trying to learn flash and fireworks. I think I will figure something out and come out with a nice looking website.

Just can't give up. Need sleep...

posted by Jamie @ 2:40 AM
March 24, 2011 - Man, I used to be so much better at poker.

Today I started playing some poker tournaments on Full Tilt I used to play these tournaments all of the time when I lived with my Mom up Crosier Rd., and I won a lot of them and placed well in the others. Well, today that hasn't been the case. I have played probably 5 tournaments, and the best I have placed was third earlier this evening. I got to the final table in one other one, and the rest I was knocked out.

I used to have a lot of skill in poker, mostly with the patience. Now, It is different. I don't know if it because I was a little bored and drowsy, or if it is just lack of practice. Probably a little of both, but I hope this streak doesn't continue. I will try a couple different strategies, the biggest thing is endurance and patience. If I focus on these, I should be back up top.

A couple of the tournaments I have played in tonight were freeroll tournaments. These tournaments are free to enter and pay real cash for the top place winners. Then, I can use this cash to play in some money games to win more cash. It would be really nice to get a bankroll going and start winning some major cash with my poker winnings. There are really people out there that make a living playing online poker. It is definitely possible.

posted by Jamie @ 1:29 AM
March 22, 2011 - My Sony's screen died... :-(

I am sure everyone has seen the posts about me getting a new laptop. I already had a really nice Sony Vaio All in one, so it was really nice to have two computers. Well, when I got up this morning I tried to get on the Vaio and it wouldn't come out of sleep. I was moving the mouse, so I decided to try the sleep button on the keyboard. Well, this made it go to sleep, and when I moved the mouse the screen came on and everything works for about 3 seconds, then the backlight cuts off again, and I can see that the picture is still on the screen, but it is completely black because the light isn't on.

I have already done a system restore and made sure the power settings were adjusted right. It is definitely the backlight in the LCD screen. I guess all of those nights of movies and Hulu finally took it out. I only had it for about 8 months. So that sucks. It cost me a fortune, but the warranty should cover it. I should have a new computer in a couple weeks. As much as I paid for that thing, I better have a new computer in a couple weeks.

It just sucks so bad, I loved that computer. It was the best computer that I have ever owned. I hope that I can get it fixed, or get another new Sony laptop that I have my eye on. It is a really badass computer. I guess only time will tell now. If it's not one thing it's another. I mean, it was sound bound for something to happen to one of my computers because it was just too good to be true to get this laptop for free, and not have any problems out of either computer.

I was kind of getting tired of having this big ole computer desk in the way. I think I would rather have another laptop to save on space. And, I love to be able to take my computer with me. The only way I will get another laptop, is if it has the power that the one I just lost did. I don't want to take any downgrades. And I want it to be a Sony. I just knew something was going to happen to it.

posted by Jamie @ 2:23 PM
Going back to work soon. I can just feel it.

It was so warm today, I know I will be going back to work soon. I called the office to talk to my boss, and he was typing a proposal. So, they are already bidding jobs, so that means we will be going back to work within a week or so. I am really not looking forward to it, because I like the time at home with my family. But, it is work, and I have to do it. I have had this job for 7 years now, so I can't just quit.

It really isn't all that bad everyday. Some days are really easy, and some days are really hot and hard. Asphalt isn't very pleasant stuff to work around, but I am good at my job, and we are a good company, so it definitely is better than anything else I have been offered.

The only thing that bothers me so much, is that is has nothing to do with computers, or anything technological, and that is what I have studied all through high school and college. I just feel like my talent and skills are being wasted for my physical strength and labor. But, no one really likes their job. I think I really just want to be my own boss, and do computer repair. I wonder if I could find a job working for someone else in computer repair? Not likely around here.

posted by Jamie @ 12:27 AM
March 20, 2011 - Visited some family today!

I went up to my Mom's today and visited with the family. My sister and Tressie was there and all the kids so it was nice to get to see everyone. My sister's youngest Blake has gotten so big so quick. It is so hard to believe how fast they really do all grow up. I mean it seems just like yesterday I was just becoming an uncle, and in June Abby turns 11. It's crazy how fast time flies and it's not always because you are having fun. I ran to Rainelle for a little bit and picked up some groceries and stopped by my buddy Mark's house for a visit. I came back to Mom's and ate some sloppy Joes and then we had Tressie bring us home.

When I got home our good friends Jen and Warren come up to visit. It was nice to see them this weekend. They haven't been around for a while and we had been wondering about them. We are glad they came up and hope they come up more.

There have been a lot of people getting sick with the flu and really bad colds lately. I have been extremely careful not to get sick. I would be scared to even go around my baby if I got sick. I hope this all goes away soon.

My baby boy is getting so much bigger every single day. It is so amazing to see how much they advance in just one day. He is so alert and looking around. He has been so perfect and so healthy, we feel extremely blessed.

I've been thinking about putting together a call to home tech service on computers. I would come to your house and fix the computer if it is fixable, otherwise we will pick it up and take it to the shop for repair. It is just a thought for now, but I am going to try to build on it.

posted by Jamie @ 11:30 PM
I tried to get a new commenting system up.

Well, I have been trying new commenting systems for my website. The one I have on here for now is all the way at the bottom, and is only one comment box for the entire website. I was looking for a script or something that was quick and easy to have a separate comment box for each post. I will think of something, or maybe tweak the comment box I have at the bottom to somehow work for separate posts. I am a very skilled programmer in HTML, so I am sure I will think of something to make it work.

I took quite a break from this website development stuff, and I can see that I am a little rusty with some of the code. I can read it just fine and know what I am looking at, but I am having some problems remember all of the code when I am trying to think of how to write it. It always comes to me, but it used to be a no brainer. I will get the skills back, as long as I keep to it and don't take another two or three year break from it.

I am using Linux again and have all of the tools to get back to programming. I am going to focus on web development for the most part for now. I might do a few little things in C++, but I am going more for like HTML, JavaScript, Java, CSS and everything there is to do with production of a webpage. I already know quite a bit about all of them, but I need to figure out how to use them all together. I have been doing all of my web development in pure HTML for years. I am ready to step up to the more advanced side of web development.

posted by Jamie @ 4:50 AM
March 19, 2011 - Elizabeth is spoiling this baby, I swear!

I know it is inevitable for our little boy to be spoiled because he is our everything. He doesn't complain much, but I have noticed him crying some just for attention. He is only a month old, I didn't think it would happen so fast. He loves to be held, but he is still content sometimes just laying by himself. But, usually the only way to get him to sleep is to hold him and pat his back until he falls asleep. He is so precious we just can't let him lay there and cry!

My sister and Tressie came to the house to see the baby a little bit ago. It was good to see them, they don't get to see us much, especially Tressie since him and Tanya split. When they were getting ready to leave, our good friends stopped by, Jen and Warren and Dustin and Crystal. It is so nice to see my family and friends and to know that they care about us and sometimes just want to stop by and see us. I wish we could do the same, but I can never seem to keep a car. I just have the worst luck with vehicles, period.

posted by Jamie @ 7:57 PM
Man I have been tired today.

I don't know why I have been so freaking tired today. I slept in quite a bit because I wasn't feeling very good this morning, and I have slept in and out all day until just a few minutes ago. I don't know if it is from being drained from staying up all night working on this computer for the last couple nights or if I am getting sick or something. There sure have been a lot of people getting sick lately. I am trying my best to keep the baby away from everyone that is sick, because it would be horrible if he got sick too.

I am surprised that I haven't been sick this year. I usually get sick every year with an upper respiratory infection, especially when the weather is bitter cold, but now it is starting to warm up, and I haven't been sick yet. Maybe I am getting lucky this year! I think it could be because how careful we have been to keep our hands clean all of the time so we don't spread germs to the baby. I am sure that has at least helped a little bit.

I started playing World of Warcraft about a week ago. I downloaded the 10 day trial, and I like the game pretty well. I don't know if I like it well enough to pay a subscription price to play it or not, being as I can play other games that are like it, such as Lord of the Rings online, for free. WOW, definitely can keep me occupied for hours on top of hours, and not even realize all of the time has just passed. Which can be a bad thing when you have a girlfriend that lives with you and she wants you to do something for her instead of play your stupid game. We have all heard that before. lol. Every man out there has to listen to their woman bitch because of how much they play their video games. Don't they see that it's better for us to be playing a game than out doing god knows what? lol. Of course it is.

I added some music to the site I hope everyone will like to listen to while they read. I will add other playlists in the future, this one isn't any kind of music in particular, just a list of a lot of my favorite songs and bands.

I have been running this Ubuntu non-stop on my new laptop, and I have to say I am very impressed with this OS. It is very responsive and easy to use, I have never used such a great Linux distribution. It sure has come a long way in 8 years. I may take my windows completely off of this computer and use only Ubuntu. It does everything I need better than windows, and comes with all the tools I need for programming, my website, and social networking. Definitely something I suggest everyone else try out on their computers.

posted by Jamie @ 6:16 PM
Haypi Kingdom - iPhone App

I have been constantly searching the app store looking for a game that would keep me occupied for a while. I was looking for a game with online multiplayer capabilities and strategy. Well, I found the right game for me. It is called Haypi Kingdom. It is an MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real time strategy game). I have been playing for about a month and a half and I am ranked 4 on the server leader board. I have put quite a few hours into it, as I am sure anyone else would that would try it. It is a free app, and will amount to hours of fun.

posted by Jamie @ 4:09 AM
My Baby boy is here! Got a new laptop!

It has been forever since I posted anything again, and it might be from time to time sometimes in my life, but now that I have got me a new laptop and a new desktop, I definitely have enough time and computers to be able to get on here and keep up with my journal. I have decided to keep this site up as a personal journal of my life and achievements, and because it has an archive of my life in college and growing up. I love having the memories right in front of me, and on the web so they are never lost. I still come back and read through my past post from time to time. Some of the memories I wish would have never happened, others I never want to forget.

My baby boy has finally come into the world! James Landon Highlander was born on February 12, 2011. I know it is March 19 now, but this is the first time I have posted since then. He is absolutely amazing in every way. Elizabeth was so strong through the whole pregnancy, and flawless through labor. I was so impressed with her, and she is just as amazing at being a mother. He is growing so fast! We decided to breast feed, because it is way cheaper and significantly better for Landon. He was born 18 inches long weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces. Now he weighs around 8 lbs 7 oz.

Being a Daddy is the most amazing feeling in the world. I have never felt so proud and protective over anything in my entire life. That little man changed his Daddy in so many ways when I first seen him, and he will never know the wonderful gift he has given me. This contentment in my heart, the knowing of having a purpose in life, and the love I see in every smile. I love him so much.

My buddy Paul gave me a busted up laptop that he had bought last year. He shattered the screen and threw it around a lot, so I didn't know if it would work or not. I figured I could use the parts for something, or be able to fix my Sony laptop that died on me back in June. Anyway, I couldn't fix the Sony because the motherboard was fried, however, I did take the LCD out of the Sony and replace the screen on this Lenovo laptop. It is now as good as new and faster than it has ever been. I am running dual boot with Vista Home and Ubuntu Linux. Intel Dual Core T3400 @ 2.16 Ghz and 2 GB DDR2 RAM. The only thing that isn't upgraded well is the Hard Drive. Since this laptop was purchased for business the stock HD is only 160 GB. I have no complaints though, now I have two new computers that are both new and fast, so Liz and I don't have to fight because I want on the computer and she is watching her TV shows on Hulu. lol.

I am going to be doing some changes to this site. Change some dead links and maybe add a picture section or something. I would like to get a good image host so I could set up a photo album on here of my Life and especially my baby boy. The only thing that is as good for memories as a journal are plenty of pictures, so it would definitely be a good upgrade. I will try to add some other things as I think of them, I just definitely want to keep it up to date and not let this wither away. This site means a lot to me, not only because of the memories, but the work that I have put into it and the dedication of keeping it up for so many years. Hopefully there are many more to come.

posted by Jamie @ 1:03 AM
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