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Jamie's Blog: Mondays....
July 20, 2015 - Mondays....

Well, today started as a Monday and will end as a Monday.  First thing this morning I noticed my MacBook wouldn't connect to the secured network at work.  That sucked, but later got it fixed by IT.  Just a security certificate.

I have been reading through Facebook and honestly it makes me sick to read how separated this country has become.  Especially since 13 years ago we were a country united and ready to fight anyone who would threaten our homeland.  Now, we are the threat to ourselves and blinded by stupidity.  It is disgusting.

However, there have been a few good things I have read on my newsfeed lately.  Especially the achievements of NASA and the space programs, who have not only landed a rover on Mars twice, but have also seen up close the terrain of our solar systems farthest lying planet, Pluto.  It is absolutely fascinating.

I am concerned about the world that my boys are to be raised in.  I can only protect them from so much, they will eventually learn all of the bad things about this world.  And there are way more bad things to learn now than there was when I was growing up.  This world is completely perverted and hateful.

I just pray to God that he gives me the strength to protect by boys from the bigotry and violence of this nation, so they have a chance at a normal life.

Back to work. Later.

posted by Jamie @ 2:49 PM
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