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Hits Since 2-18-07
Jamie's Blog: Almost another year down...
May 06, 2014 - Almost another year down...

The amount of things that have changed in my life since the last post are amazing.  I love having this webpage to reflect on how much my life can change in such a short amount of time.  It really helps to put in perspective that no matter how bad things get sometimes, they always seem to work out.

April 26, 2014 - My second son Grayson Lee Highlander was born.  He was 7 pounds 6 oz and 19.5 inches long.  He is 100% healthy and doing great.  Lizzie and I truly feel blessed.

I am still working for Lexmark at Lowe's Corporate under Teksystems.  Still getting by, but needing more money.  Can't ever get enough right?  lol

I am very proud of Elizabeth for being so strong throughout the entire pregnancy, delivery, and after.  She has really stepped up to the plate and is the best woman I have ever met.  Everyone shows weakness at times, but she always sucks it up and does whatever it takes to keep her boys happy.  I love her with all of my heart.

Lizzie went to the WIC office and got 3 months to get us started.  I don't know why we were denied other benefits through DHHS, but we are going to reapply.  I think they were missing some information.  I am confident that we will at least get Medicaid.  I sure do hope so.

I had to redo my Health insurance through Allegis Open Marketplace.  My insurance premiums costs doubled but my coverage stayed the same.  Thanks a lot Obama and your stupid ACA.  Must stand for ALL CAN'T AFFORD!  Stupid.

Well, just about time to head home from work.  I have a lot to talk about lately so check back often, you may just see more updates ;-)  Later

posted by Jamie @ 4:17 PM
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