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Jamie's Blog: Life always get's in the way...
July 12, 2013 - Life always get's in the way...

I love to write in my blog, don't get me wrong.  But, it seems like there are always a million other things that I have to do before I can even start on it.  Oh well.

I am at work right now.  Been a pretty slow day thus far, with only one toner and a couple other little things. James is in Wilkes, so I am on this side of campus by myself today.  Not a big deal. I am used to it, because of the days that he is on vacation I am still here kickin! lol

I wrote a check for my power bill on Wednesday and just realized today that it is still in my laptop case.  That sucks!  Now my bill isn't going to be paid before the weekend and I am going to have to pay that damn fee to pay it online or over the phone.  Fucking sucks.

I am struggling and struggling to get ahead down here.  I know I am making a good bit more money than I was in WV, but between bills and family, I stay broke.  I just don't see an end to poverty in my life.  Ever.

Damn I wish I could just get a credit card, or credit of some sort somewhere.  I need to start building my credit back up now that I got my student loans paid off.  However, since I defaulted on one, it destroyed my credit, thus, I'm fucked.  I mean, just a credit card would help us out a lot, like on the weeks that there are more bills and we are a little bit short on cash for groceries.  No where will give me or Liz one.  I have no idea why.  She doesn't have any credit, so I thought at least one company would issue her a starter card or something with a small limit.  No such luck yet.

I guess I am going to get back to work.  Try to stay as busy as I can so that maybe the day might go by a little bit faster.  I doubt it though.  I need a fucking nap.  Later.

posted by Jamie @ 10:17 AM
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