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Jamie's Blog: 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009
April 20, 2009 - Yay 4:20!

Today is a great day. A day to do absolutely nothing and toke and game down. I havent played any games yet, but I am going to shortly. I don't know what I am going to play. Halo is fun, but some days it can really piss me off. I played some Guitar Hero yesterday for the first time in a while. I have been playing so many other games lately. Especially Resident Evil, and Lost Odyssey. Both are great games, but they are both long. I have beat RE already in normal, but there is a lot more to unlock. I am 24 hours into Lost Odyssey and am only on disc 2 of 4. Well, i might add something later if I get bored. Happy 4:20 to all!

posted by Jamie @ 1:51 PM
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