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Jamie's Blog: I just want a chance...
February 16, 2018 - I just want a chance...

Maybe, I'm trying too hard.

I want to be open about everything from the start, but too much past from the start will cause problems.

I have changed in every way from the person that started this blog. I only share it with the people I want to be close to me in my life.  Every time I share it with someone they hate me for something I said.

I really can't help the way I was. I can only help who I will be now.  I want to love her, I really hope she let's me.

Her beauty takes my breath away... Her voice is the sweetest thing I hear each day... I'm falling fast, and it has made me  full of fear.

My heart is still cracked, it breaks so easy. I hope she makes it full again.

posted by Jamie @ 2:55 AM
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