I figured I would post something on here. I have no idea what to do for my birthday this friday. Probably nothing again this year because I have no money because of bills. Sucks.
posted by Jamie @ 1:08 AM
July 26, 2009 -
Just another weekend...
I haven't done anything this weekend. I haven't even cleaned the house like I usually do. My back has been hurting this weekend way more than usual, and I really haven't even felt like moving, much less do anything else. I have taken my pain medicine already this morning. I hope it kicks in soon.
posted by Jamie @ 10:08 AM
July 21, 2009 -
Life is a never ending story of depression and stress.
Well, I went back to work today after my big one day off that was even more stressful than a day of work. Atleast at work I get paid a certain amount for each hour of stress. At home all I can do is bite my tongue and deal with it. I smashed my point finger pretty good with a hammer. Ripped a sizeable chunk off of my finger. Today was blah, and nothing special. Same boring shit, different fucking day.
posted by Jamie @ 12:12 AM
July 19, 2009 -
This day ended up being SHIT!!!
I woke up this morning in a decent mood except for the puppy whining non-stop. Then I cleaned the house all day, and got all of the laundry done. I didnt even get 5 mins to myself to do anything I wanted to do until now, right before I have to go to bed to be ready for work tomorrow. And this is what I decided to do with my five minutes of glory, is post a fucking blog no one cares to read anyway. I guess it is a way for me to straighten things out in my mind and put it on 'paper'. As I get older, I notice I am starting to forget some things that I use to know really well. And learning that the things I thought I knew for sure would never change, have changed in the worse ways. I am starting to feel completely alone inside my head, because everytime I try to talk about my problems I guess my honesty upsets the other person and they wont listen or be sympathetic at all. All I get is empathy and shut ups. I am so close to giving up completely. I am tired of trying so hard and changing everything for absolutely no results. Still pain all the time. I just wish it would get better. Fuck Jamie, he doesn't have feelings anyway. Just let hime rot away with his sadness and grief, who gives a fuck.
posted by Jamie @ 10:13 PM
Yesterday was a pretty eventful day.
Friday Ronnie told me he was going to go to the shop on Saturday and work on the boss's dad's camper. I had already had enough hours for some overtime, s I asked my boss Joey if I could come in and clean my truck on Saturday. He said I could, so I did. I got 7 more hours of overtime for going in yesterday. That wiil definitely look nice on next week's check. Can't wait for that. I think I am going to get a new phone. I want to get the new HTC touch Pro. I like my Moto Q and all; it just seems like it is too slow compared to the performance of other phones I have used. Me, Lizzie, and Ronnie went and looked at a house we could rent in Lookout. It was in some rough shape outside, but the inside wasn't bad. I don't guess we have really made a final decision on it yet or not. But, I think we might just move in. All the work we do to the house comes off of the rent, so that will work out pretty good for the first couple months. I am hoping to get my car back on the road this week, but everyday that possibility is a little more out of reach.
posted by Jamie @ 7:59 AM
July 14, 2009 -
Still no Chester, I miss him.
Well, today was a good and bad day. Well bad in two different ways, but good in one. Today there is still no sign of Chester. I can't help but feel guilty about him leaving, I trusted him to not run off, because he had never done so before. I miss him, I hope he is alive and happy somewhere.
Work kinda sucked, one of those days that seem just tedious and aggravating. I guess it got a little better later in the day, eventhough at the same time it was getting even hotter and more miserable. I definitely think I keep better energy throughout the day if I drink Gatorade.
The one thing that made all of these things irrellevant, the one person that makes it all better with just a smile, Is you Lizzie. I love you soo much. Thank you so much for being so good to me. You are the best and most beautiful woman in the world. My best friend, my number one. My Angel.
posted by Jamie @ 10:51 PM
July 13, 2009 -
Everyday it is something else with dogs...
Yesterday was a house cleaning day, as every Sunday tends to be anymore, and we left Chester outside. Chester is my boy dog, he is black, and a mix of hound. He is about 45-50 lbs. Well, I seen him around 5 yesterday evening and I haven't seen him since. I guess he ran off somewhere, it just isn't like him not to come home. I am worried that something might have happened to him. I just hope that he will come home while I am at work. Hopefully, he is just chasing a dog in heat and everything is ok. I miss him.
posted by Jamie @ 6:07 AM
July 12, 2009 -
Finally back to blogging...
I have no idea why have such a problem keeping up with my blog. Almost everyday I think about things I would want to write on here, but never get around to it. This page is pretty much everything about me for quite a few years now, and there is no way I want to let it end. I use to have the address jamiehighlander.com, and technically I do still have it, but I was afraid I would lose it and lose some of my post so I have it posting to Blogger's reliable servers for now. I hope that my friends and family may continue, or star reading this, and I am sure they will get to know me a little bit better, and how my life has been through these delicate and trying adolescent years.
Lizzie and I are still very much in love. We have had some difficult times within the last couple of months because of the depleting economy, which leads to a lot of stress with money. But I am sure we will be together forever, because we love each other very much. I never want to live a day without her by my side. I love you more than anything baby. And I promise to forever and always.