June 24, 2007 -
Another update... nothing unusual.
Not a lot has been going on since the last post, however I figured I would try to update and see what came to mind. Well, I worked 45 hours this week. 2 hours driving time each day. Weekends off. Not a lot of time. What free time I do have I try to save for my beautiful girlfriend, and friends.
I am definitely in love. There is no denying it. Baby, you are my everything.
Well, enough of the sappy stuff. She has heard it all before anyway. I wish I still had all the cool stuff on my webpage that I used to have... and all of the regular visitors that I used to have. I guess most of my friends don't care about it anymore, because it did get pretty boring for about a year. A year of nothing will ruin any website. But, this is my website so I post a journal of my days in this life for my own pleasure and the pleasure of anyone else that likes to read other peoples lives.
My life needs more excitement. I can't wait to go to Cedar Point again this summer. It should be a fun trip. I am trying to get a bunch of my friends together to go. I guess we will see how that goes. Last year one of my friends ripped me off on a trip to Cedar Point. We aren't friends anymore.
Wow, I thought I had nothing to talk about... I don't really. I am just bored and rambling on here because there isn't anything to do, and I don't post on this thing near enough anymore.
Oh well, I hope you enjoyed this literation of nothingness. Peace.
posted by Jamie @ 10:19 PM
June 17, 2007 -
Finally got a computer!
Well, I disappeared from the internet world for about a month. I disappeared from this site for quite a few months. I try to keep this site updated, but I know not a lot of people check it out anymore. But, now that I have my own computer I might be able to post something every now and then. Even though this is more like a personal diary than a story of my life.
Anyway, I went back to work at Dean Paving back in May. It's still the same hard work, but getting a paycheck every week makes it worth it most of the time. I still have a few things to get done to my car to have it completely on the road. Everytime I get something done something else pops up that I have to get done. I guess that's the way it always is though.
I finally got my xbox 360 replaced after it completely died on me a couple of weeks ago. It had been acting up, not reading 360 games for quite some time, but it eventually gave up. Thank God for my 3 years of insurance on it.
I am still happily in love with my beautiful girlfriend Elizabeth, she is the greatest. No one in this world loves me like she does. I love you baby.
Well, it is late of course. This is the first time I have been up this late in a while. Being as I have to get up at 5:30 every morning to drive to beckley for work.
Well, it is late of course. This is the first time I have been up this late in a while. Being as I have to get up at 5:30 every morning to drive to beckley for work. I guess for now I am happy, but I need to find me a house or something pretty soon, and get some stability in my life. Then things will be super.