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Jamie's Blog: 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
August 26, 2004 - First entry since school started...

Well, this is of course my first entry in a long time. I have been really busy getting my car running well enough to drive back and forth to Athens, and working. I trying to fish with all the free time I had. Thus, that don't leave much time for shit like this. Josh and I are back in our good ol' faithful dorm room again this semester. Everything is the same. But different at the same time. A lot of our friends that used to live in Wooddell don't anymore, so we don't have company as often as we did last semester. I have to work Saturday. The first day I have work since after school started. I really need the money though. So it is a good thing. I had a quiz in geography today. It wasn't too bad. Considering I studied for it, it shouldn't of been too bad. I have a quiz in Assembly Language Programming tomorrow. It might be a little tougher. I am reading a lot of computer books right now. I will be re-doing my webpage in PHP soon enough. I am trying to learn everything. But there just isn't enough time to. Well, I hope you keep reading. I know there usually isn't much to read because I forget to update, but you never know, something good might happen, and if you stop reading you will never find out what it was. And if you are a true friend, you know that you don't want to miss anything. Later.

posted by Jamie @ 4:50 PM
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