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Jamie's Blog: Get a Website!
January 08, 2005 - Get a Website!

All links are now up. Programs is just a section for programming help, but everyone should check them out, to see what I waste my life doing, and because I post some useful software.

After doing this webpage, I just love to look at it. I am very proud of it, I worked my ass off on it. Thanks for all of the comments everyone, they mean a lot to me.

No one seems to use the message board, and considering I have my Music and Movies section, I don't really need it. I am thinking of just leaving it for people to ask for computer help on.

If anyone that reads this has a website or blog, give me the link so I can put it in my links section. I average about 100 hits a day, so it will bring a little bit of traffic to your site. The past 3 days I have actually had about 300 hits per day. Been a good week. I guess updating a lot helps.

I love music. I can't imagine my life without it. Hearing the emotion and skill of a punk band makes my day. Whatever...

If anyone wants me to review a particular movie, or CD, tell me and I will. That's why Napolean Dynamite was posted today.

Has anyone seen Spanglish? I really want to see that movie, and I am wondering if it is worth it. Also, I want to see White Noise. I bet that movie is going to be badass.

I wonder if they have fixed the internet at Concord. I sure do hope so, I don't feel like putting up with that same shit again this semester. I bet we are going to have to do all of that shit like having them come and check our computers for anti-virus software, like it will help against worms... morons.

I wonder how LUG is going to do this semester without Eric. I sure do hope I can make it through my programming classes. He was a world of help to me throughout all of them. I hope the group doesn't fall apart, our member list is significantly smaller than it was last semester... and it wasn't too big to begin with. Maybe we can even take a nice trip to a convention like we did in October. See October 2004 archives for the story.

Anyone who doesn't have their own website, or blog, go to:
right now and get one. Then, send me the link so I can read it and put it in my links section. You'd be surprised how good it feels to vent frustration on these things. If you need help in setting it up, I will help.

Ok, well I guess that's it for now, I'll keep ya updated. Later.

posted by Jamie @ 6:00 AM
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