Well, I made a few little changes, such as the news ticker under the title at the top. The bad thing about it is that it is only viewable in IE. I cleaned up my HTML code so that my page looks the same in both IE and Netscape based browsers. (except for the ticker of course). I brought my message board back up and posted quite a few things on it. Please register and make posts. Pretty nice piece of software. The link is on the sidebar.
Leave comments and tell me what you think about my changes.
If you are on dial-up, I need to know how long it is taking for my webpage to load up. I have broadband, so I can't really tell if it is taking a long time or not. It might take a little bit the first load, but after it caches the pictures it will run swiftly.
Well, I guess I am out, I have been working on my webpage and message board all damn night. Later.