Josh and I went and bought Dance Dance Revolution for the Xbox yesterday. That damn game is addictive. My feet are even a little sore from playing so much yesterday. Now Josh and I can mix our video games with our exercise. Best of both worlds. I am extremely tired... probably because I have only had around 4 and a half hours of sleep. And a total of about 13 hrs of sleep out of 72 hrs in three days. It is starting to catch up with me. I am exhausted. After Cobol today, I am going to skip Marketing and come back to the room and take a nap. It will do me some good. I am hungry right now, and Josh is in Art. Haha. I have Art with him... but why am I not there? Because I fucking hate that class, that's why. Well, another Cobol program is late. I didn't get both of them done last night. I did get one of them done though. I have an Assembly program due tonight. I will do it after my nap. Smallville and The Mountain come on tonight. Lip sync is tonight. I am going to have to choose between lip sync and The Mountain. Maybe I can find someone to record it for me. Lip sync is about the best thing that happens around here, so I don't want to miss it. I am actually keeping up with my blog, how crazy is that. I will probably go through another phase where I don't post on it at all sometime. Oh well. That's it for now, getting ready to go eat lunch.
Currently Listening to:
What it is to Burn (2002)
Track 11 - Three Simple Words