I have no idea why have such a problem keeping up with my blog. Almost everyday I think about things I would want to write on here, but never get around to it. This page is pretty much everything about me for quite a few years now, and there is no way I want to let it end. I use to have the address jamiehighlander.com, and technically I do still have it, but I was afraid I would lose it and lose some of my post so I have it posting to Blogger's reliable servers for now. I hope that my friends and family may continue, or star reading this, and I am sure they will get to know me a little bit better, and how my life has been through these delicate and trying adolescent years.
Lizzie and I are still very much in love. We have had some difficult times within the last couple of months because of the depleting economy, which leads to a lot of stress with money. But I am sure we will be together forever, because we love each other very much. I never want to live a day without her by my side. I love you more than anything baby. And I promise to forever and always.